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Spread Love and Positivity One Image at a Time

Amidst a global pandemic, civil unrest, and everything in between it is easy to feel overwhelmed, alone, frustrated, hopeless, and full of anxiety. While it is important to acknowledge these feelings, we hope that you don’t stay down too long. This initiative, powered by Brand3, is pretty simple – a simple way to help spread love, hope and encouragement online.

To participate, simply scroll through the positive affirmations below, choose one, and share it with friends, relatives, and colleagues whom you think could benefit from knowing you are thinking of them. Can’t think of one person specifically to spread love to? Download the image and share it on your social media pages so that you can share it with everyone!

The purpose of this campaign is not to drown out any messaging or current events, rather the mission is to amplify our connections together as humans so that we can continue to love and support each other. We all have value and contribute to the world in our own unique way and it costs nothing to be acknowledged and to acknowledge others with compassion and kindness. So click and #SpreadLove!

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